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stoneware 炻器

18 pieces | H 10cm - 26cm 


Perhaps history, art and life, are just some happenings. However, I found something in my mind, it seems want to tell something, it seems want to make something happen, but nothing tell or happen finally…… I am trying to interpret this feeling. That the feeling with inner hesitation, introversion during the happenings.   


或許歷史、藝術、生命都只是一些過程的表現。但,我發現有些什麼東西,在心內縈繞著、喋喋不休、想說沒說出口、想做沒有做、應該發生卻沒發生…… 我就是在詮釋著這種有點兒猶豫、含蓄內斂的感覺。

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