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Godzilla: H21 L24 W14cm wood soda firing

Pillow: H7 L28 W25cm reduction firing


The process of learning atmosphere firings allowed me playing with “fire”. Firing is an inevitable part of transforming clay into ceramic, the extraordinary result differentiates ceramic from the other media. In linguistic, the metonymy of “fire” consists a duality emotional meanings: anger or passion. Godzilla impresses audience as a powerful and destructive monster; pillow symbolises some kind of soft, comfy and supportive. Perhaps the monster is a nightmare to the sleeper, perhaps the pillow is a nightmare to the monster, perhaps they reflected my passion in ceramics.


Godzilla is a Japanese fictional monster created in the 1950’s. He is a mutated marine iguana caused by the nuclear bombing. 

This work was exhibited in ATMOSPHERIC Exhibition in 2019 June and showed in the EPKase in 2019 November, in Alberta University of the Arts.

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